Let me take you back to a time when I didn’t have goals in business life, I was flying by the seat of my pants and I felt like I was always running on a treadmill and not getting anywhere.
Having purposeful and intentional goals takes you off that treadmill and onto reaching high peaks with beautiful views. This metaphor can be applied to your marketing strategy and initiatives.
Your marketing is an integral part of your business and should align to your overall goals and values.
Your marketing initiatives should also be intertwined with your values so that your marketing strategy shines; you attract your ideal audience and your reach your goals.
For example, if one of your values is kindness, one of your marketing goals might be to build meaningful and generous relationships with other business partners through partnership initiatives to foster community connections.
Real talk
Let’s cut straight to the chase, if you are producing marketing content without a strategy that includes clear and intentional goals, you are throwing your money out of the window. It’s time to think strategically to move you forward for the future, not just the now.
You need a target on the wall (a.k.a your goals), think of these as your landing point in the next 3/6/12/18 months. Goals drive us to reach higher, do better and improve. Without these, you might just be stumbling along and going through the daily and weekly grind. So, hello, ‘spitting out’ content with no clear intentions.
Why do we need goals?
Goals enable us to track and measure our performance and to see if our investment of time, energy and money are paying off. It’s similar when we travel somewhere, if we get lost and don’t end up at our destination, we can track our time, expenses and outcome.
If we are transparent in our intentions, write down, and analyse our goals as part of our business processes, we are more likely to achieve our aims. Through achieving our goals, we are moving our business forward and will become more sustainable into the future.
Even marketing needs a strategy
Simon Sinek, a world thought leader has an inspiring TED talk and book about ‘Start with Why’. If you listen or read, you will discover the challenges the traditional purpose of what you do and goes to the root of why you have chosen to do what you do. It’s important to unpack this when planning your marketing.
His famous ‘golden circle” shows you why you need a strategy, which can be applied to creating a purposeful marketing strategy.

Sustainable elevation
I know that becoming clear on your strategy works. It provides direction, momentum and converts your audience to customers.
Recently I worked with a client to create their marketing strategy and they have implemented innovations that have increased their bottom line. The best thing? They have a steady flow of customers coming in, using their much-needed service. For these people, they are too having positive life-changing effects of becoming more connected with their community.
Not sure what how to create a strategy for ongoing sustainably?
Get in touch to plan together how to elevate your marketing.