Having professional photos done is certainly out of many people’s comfort zone (me included)! That feeling of being in front of the camera and making ridiculous poses and facially expressions.
Images do say a thousand words; they quickly capture people’s attention and tell a story. They are a great way to connect with your audience, and they see who is behind the brand, which builds trust.
Your audience is 80% more likely to engage with content if it’s paired with an image! So if you look through your social media insights, I bet that pictures of you will rate in your top content. Am I right? Recently I had my photos updated by my gorgeous friend Caitlyn Frecklington. She nailed my branding, plus we had a whole heap of fun.
Brand photography is a brilliant way to represent your business visually. You may think that it is just about capturing you, but it is so much more!
When the gorgeous Caitlyn prepared for my photo shoot, we worked through some crucial questions:
What was the purpose of this shoot?
Who was the target audience for this shoot?
What visual feel and emotions was I trying to provoke for the consumer?
What personality did I want to convey?

These questions helped to ensure that we were on brand. We made sure that the colours, tones, props and the set, met who I was trying to engage with while showing my brand personality.
She did such a fantastic job and I am super grateful that she didn’t share the bloopers.
When the gallery arrived in my inbox, I couldn’t stop smiling and laughing and felt very thankful that my beautiful friend and fellow Gippslander not only nailed it but made the process fun!
Images make up one component of your branding, along with; your tone of voice, colours, brand personality, point of difference and set of creative visuals. In our marketing mentoring session, this is just one area that we deep dive into to together. If you would like to chat more about this or other marketing goodness, feel free to book a discovery call.